The novel 'Oliver Twist' is written by Charles Dickens. This is a story of corruption, bad condition, and violence. The novel occurs at a filthy place where the weather is cold. The novel deals with poverty and crime. Oliver Twist is the main character of the novel who faces violence and exploitation. This novel includes various themes as Good and evil, child labor, crime, poverty, corrupted society.
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Story Oliver Twist |
The primary theme in ‘Oliver Twist is the battle between good and evil. An orphan child Oliver who is innocent but badly treated by society. His charms draw the attention of weather people. Many bad character like Fagin, Bill Sikes many problems in his way but at the end of the novel Oliver Twist goodness win over the evil.
Exploitation and Violence are other major themes of the novel. In this novel we see that how Oliver face the exploitation from the birth to the end of the novel. First after death his mother, he is exploited by Mr Bumble in the workhouse. After that, he is exploited at the berry’s house and in London. He is exploited by Fagin, Monks, Bill Sikes, etc.
Poverty is one major theme in Oliver Twist. In this novel, Dickens shows the terrible effects of poverty on a person’s life. We saw the condition of poverty in the novel that when in the workhouse Oliver says his master, “Please Sir” I want some more. When Mrs. Berry give the left out food of the dog to Oliver, it also presents the poverty. By the Novel Dickens shows the cruel heart of wealthy people towards the poors.
Dickens presents the English criminal society of his time. Sikes and Fagin are criminals. Fagin forced Nancy to commit crimes, She was forced to work for Fagin from a young age. The Artful Dodger and Bates are also the partner of Fagin in the crimes. Monks is also involved in the crime of Fagin because they wants to destroy the Oliver’s life.
Throughout the novel, Dickens confronts the questions of whether the terrible environments. He depicts to have the power to soul and change its hue for ever. Character life like Sikes and Fagin seems to have sustained permanent damage to their moral sensibilities. Yen even skies has a conscience. Charley Bates maintains enough of a sense of decency to try to capture Sikes. Of Course, Oliver is above any corruption, though novel removes him from unhealthy environments relatively early in his life. Nancy considers herself lost almost beyond redemption, ends up the ultimate sacrifice for a child she hardly knows. In contrast Monks, Perhaps the novel’s most in the human villain.
By the end of the novel, all characters of the novel have faced Justice Oliver, Rose and all good characters live happily and Sikes and Fagin have both been hanged. Although good characters deserve the happiness they get and bad characters deserve their own ends. Thus the novel “Oliver Twist” deals with the method of justice so it is also an important theme of the novel.
In the end, we say that the novel “Oliver Twist” deals with the various themes which show the society of England so his novel is known as the social novel.
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Oliver twist |
Character sketch of Oliver Twist
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Oliver Twist is the main hero of the Dickens novel “Oliver Twist”. He is pivot of story. Whole story of the novel goes around him. Without him the whole story of the novel like a hut who made of mud and straw. In the novel, he is an orphan child who is so helpless and abused by the people. By his character Dicken presents the condition of poor people suffered at the hands of 19th-century society.
Oliver’s struggle starts when his mother dies after his birth. His father is unknown. He is forced to live in a workhouse where he is abused. Once when he demanded the more food and says his master that, “Please sir, I want some more” he was treated very badly at the workhouse, he runs off to London.
In London his life takes a new turn and he is taken in by a gang of thieves. Fagin was a gang leader of the gang, who is forced to everyone to do crime. Nancy, Bill Sikes and Toby are the mates of Fagin gang. Once Oliver was falsely arrested for pick an old gentleman’s pocket. Mr. Brownlow but he is rescued for a time and after sometime he recaptured by Nancy and Bill Sikes. That time Fagin makes a plan to trap the Oliver in the crime. Oliver is wounded during this robbery but house owner saved the boy and takes the boy at her home. In this way Oliver is exploited by the Fagin gang. Monks, who is a half brother of Oliver is also wants to trap the Oliver in any crime teams up with Fagin. Oliver faces the lots of problems at every step of his life.
Nancy sympathizes with Oliver and tells Rose. Maylie about the plan of Fagin and Monks to destroy the Oliver. But unfortunately Fagin knows about it and he tells the Sikes that Nancy cheated them and by hearted this Sikes killed her.
At the end of the novel, the true identity of the Oliver is revealed which is the central mystery of the novel. Mr. Brownlow who is taken Monks with him and knows about the Monks is the step brother of Oliver because Oliver is illegitimate son of Leeford.
In the end of the novel everyone got justice. Fagin is captured and sentenced to be hung and accidentally Sikes was also killed and Mr. And Mrs. Bumble are now lived in workhouse and now they had nothing and Monks was also got death in prison and Oliver who is very innocent and kind in adopted by Mr. Brownlow.
In this way, we can say that by the character of Oliver Dickens so gently shows the cruelty of 19th-century society but despite the cruelty he shows that how the goodness is won over the evil. Thus Oliver is one of the memorable characters of Dickens.
Another Character sketch of Oliver Twist
Oliver’s mother dies after the birth of her child in workhouse. The child’s father is unknown. He is placed in juvenile house. After nine years of misbehaviour he is returned to the workhouse where he was more abused for asking more food for his friends. He punished and he was sent to berry’s house who is a coffin maker by profession. One day Noah forced Oliver to attack on him by saying wrong words about his mother. For that Oliver was punished by Mr. Bumble and Mr. Berry. After that he runs out for London.
Near London he met with Dawkins and Dodger. Who brought him to the Fagin. By getting the art of picking pocket. Oliver went out with Dodger and Bates. Oliver’s companion picks an old gentleman’s pocket and flee. But Oliver was arrested for this crime. At the police station the terrified boy cleared by the testimony of the book sailor who witnessed the thief and Mr. Brownlow brought Oliver with him to his home.
When Oliver wakes up at Brownlow’s home he saw a picture of a young woman on the wall. Mr. Brownlow puzzled to see Oliver’s feature with portrait woman. Fagin is worried about Oliver’s rescue. Nancy is set to find Oliver and Fagin’s gang change their headquarters.
Mr. Brownlow’s friend does not faith on Oliver so that to test his honesty Oliver is sent somewhere with money. Nancy and his friend Sikes see Oliver bring him to Fagin who holds him in strict lock him for some time. Mr. Bumble answers the Brownlow’s advertisement enquiring about Oliver. He misrepresents the boy’s character and makes Brownlow against him.
Fagin wants to get Oliver completely in his power by involving the child in some crime with the help of Sikes. He sent the Oliver inside through the window. After that Oliver was shot. The thieves abandon the wounded by in a ditch and ran away.
The Nurse Sally was dying and at her death. Mrs. Corny sees the old woman alone before she expires. Fagin is greatly upset when Toby returns alone. Then he met with a person called Monks, when Oliver regains he went to the nearest house, where robbery was tried. There he was saved by Mr. Lessbrn with the help of Mrs. Maylie.
Monks meets the bumbles and purchase a locket that Mrs. Bumble goy with pawn ticket that she took away the dead Sally. This locket contains a ring with a name Agnes.
Nancy goes for a secret meeting with Rose. She told Rose everything that she listened about Oliver. Mr. Bumble who has been absent reappears and Rose tells him Nancy’s story. Harry Grimwing and Mr. Losberne were also surprised.
After that Fagin informed Sikes about Nancy’s dealing then Sikes murdered Nancy and murdered returned to London. Mr. Brownlow has seized Monks and taken him to his home. Brownlow’s marriage was fixed with Edwin Lee Ford’s sister who was the father of Monks. From the Nancy Mr. Brownlow knows about the conspiracy of Monks to kill Oliver.
Oliver returns to his birthplace with Mrs. Maylie, Rose and Losberne. Brownlow and Monks also comes after them and their history is repeated.
In accordance with Mr. Brownlow’s recommendation Oliver shares his fortune with Monks. Rose and Harry are married and Mrs. Maylie lives with them. Mr. Brownlow adopts Oliver and the Bumbles lose their positions.
Character sketch of Fagin
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Fagin is an important character in the novel “Oliver Twist”. He is pivot of the story. The story of the novel revolves around him. Without him the story of the novel like a hut who made of mud and straw. Fagin an old, ugly and cunning man is the central character of the novel. He plays a role of villain in the Dickens novel Oliver Twist by his Character Dickens presents the criminal world of the Victorian age.
Fagin who is a leader of pick-pockets criminals, is always forced the young orphans to steal. He is the person who trains the young boys to become future criminal, Artful Dodger, Charley Bates and Bill Sikes are the partners of his gang. Nancy the lover of Bill Sikes is also involved in his gang and Fagin forced her to do crimes as murder, robbery etc.
Fagin is very cruel and stone hearted. The novel’s main character is also trapped in his gang. Oliver in his first meeting with Fagin, falsely arrested for the pick an old gentleman’s pocket but he is escaped him in this case. But after sometime Oliver recaptured the Fagin and now he holds him in strict manner. Now Fagin makes a plan with Bill Sikes to trap the Oliver in major crime.
Fagin is very clever schemer. When he knows about that Nancy is in the faver of Oliver then he tells about this news to Bill Sikes who was the pimp and lover of Nancy. After heard this Sikes murderer the Nancy. His cleverness is also shown in the novel when he forced the others to crime but he himself does not get involved in any crime.
Fagin is a good judge of human behaviour. When he suspects Nancy’s behaviour he puts Noah on spying. His suspicion comes out to be true. Although Fagin nature is so bad but there are some traces of human feelings left in Fagin’s self-serving nature. Sometimes he shows kindness towards Oliver. Once Fagin stops himself to disrupt the child’s sleep and once he kindly entreats Oliver to mind Sikes in crime without questions for his own safety.
Fagin’s appearance is fully in accordance with his evil ways of life. He has an ugly face. His face is full of wrinkles. His hair are red, long sharp teeth and his mastermind are all shows his evilness. But at the end of the novel for his evil nature and for his crimes Fagin has been arrested and hanged.
Fagin is a creature of darkness. As a criminal he makes plans in the night. He spends day time in Fib room. We hardly see him in daylight. He only appears in the darkness of night.
Fagin is a dishonest person. He and Sikes are very close friend. But Fagin wants to kill him. He also tries to involve Nancy in his plane. He also tries to beat Oliver twice. He lies to Sikes telling him that Nancy has destroyed him.
Fagin is very selfish man. Many children live in his house. The children steal things for him. He lives on the income of these children. He does not take care of the children.
At the end of the novel Fagin gets punishment for his crimes. The police arrests him. He is hanged.
To sum up Fagin is a villain of the play. He is very cruel and selfish person. Fagin is one of the famous villain creation of Charles Dickens.
Character Sketch of Monks
Monks is an important character of the novel ‘Oliver Twist’. This novel written by Charles Dickens. Monks is a bad person.
Monks is stepbrother of Oliver Twist. His father fell in love with a young woman but he could not marry her. That woman give birth to Oliver.
Monks is son of Edwin and Miss Edwin. His parents do not love each other. They always quarrel with each other. His father has fallen in the love with another lady.
Monks is an ugly looking person. He was tall and dark hair, dark eyes, even his face was dark. There is a mark like burn on his face. He tries to cover this burn with his hand-kerchief.
Monks is a conspirator. He make conspiracy against Oliver. He meets Fagin and Marks and make a deal with him to turn Oliver into a thief. He is a coward. He does not want to associate with crime. This is not because he fears being caught.
Monks has frequents fits. The another does not name the disease that causes fits. But it seems that he is suffering from epilepsy.
Monks hides his identity. His real name is Edward. He come to know about his identity in the end of the novel. He is a greedy man. He want to grave his father’s property. He does not want to give Oliver his share.
In the end Monks give Oliver his share in his father’s property. He himself leave the country and goes to America. There he falls in a bad company and dies in the jail.
To sum up Monks is bad character. He was a coward and greedy man.
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