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Novels |
#1 Novel
A Novel is a long written story about imaginary people and events. The term novel is a truncation of the Italian word “novella” (new). It is longer than a short story. It is an extended word of fiction written in prose. It has a great variety of characters. The novel may have any kind of plot, tragic, comedy, satiric, or romantic. There are various types of novels like
- Realistic
- Social novel
- Historical novel
- Romantic novel etc.
The novel does not follow any fixed structure or style. It is popular because of its flexibility. Some famous and important novels are “Charles Dickens” Hard time, Henry fielding’s “Joseph and Andrew.”
#2 Short Story
A short story typically takes the form of a brief fictional work usually written in prose. The short story is written between 1600 to 2000 words. It usually focuses on a single subject or theme. The story may be realistic, natural, or fantasy. It organizes the action, thought, and dialogues of its characters. It can be reading in one sitting.
- Sir Walter Scott
- Edgar Allen Poe
- Mark Twain is a famous short-story writer.
#3 Novella
The novella is a literary genre of written fiction. Literally ‘Novella’ means “a little new thing” which is an Italian term. We can broadly say that a novella is shorter than a full-length novel but longer than a short story. They are typically about 60 to 120 pages. Novella will have fewer conflicts and subplots. The novella is also not usually divided into chapters. The conflicts in a novella are more complicated and better defined than in a short story.
Thomas Mann’s “Death in Venice” is an example.
#4 Plot
The plot is a literary term used to describe the events that make up a story or the main part of a story. These events relate to each other in a pattern or sequence. The plot is known as the foundation of a novel or story around which the character is setting are built. Plots maybe
- Romantic
- Satiric
- Comic.
The protagonist, the character, the suspense discriminate are the types of plot.
- Introduction
- Rising action
- Climax
- Falling action
- The conclusion
are the primary elements of a plot.
#5 Character
A character is a person or other being in a literary work. The character may be entirely fictional or based on real-life people (non-fictional). E.M. Forster has classified the characters into two categories. These are flat and round characters. A flat character or type character is built around a single idea or quality. A round character is complex in temperament and motivation. The character of Prospero is flat but the character of “King Lear” is around who undergoes radical changes.
#6 Protagonist (Hero)
A Protagonist is a central character or leading figure in poetry, narrative, novel, or any other story. A protagonist is sometimes called a “hero” by the audience or reader. The word originally came from the Greek language. The story revolves around the protagonist. He works the emotional heart of the story. A well-constructed protagonist attracts the audience emotionally and relates them with joys, fear, and hopes of the character. He may be a legendary or historical figure.
#7 Narrator
A Narrator is a person, who tells a story and the voice that an author takes on to tell a story. This voice can have a personality quite different from the author’s. The Narrator tells the story by the name or by using the third person. In the first-person narrative, the narrator speaks in the first person ‘l’. A story told by a narrator who is not a character in the story is a third-person narrative. Narrators are sometimes divided into two categories which are
- Intrusive Narrator
- Unintrusive Narrator
#8 Conflict
Conflict is the heart of the narrative. It is a literary element that involves a struggle between two opposing forces. Usually a protagonist and an antagonist. It can be between the main character and fate. Conflict may be internal or external. It may be written in a character’s mind or between a character and an exterior force. The basic type of conflict is “man against man”, “man against nature” and “man against self”.
#9 Episode
The episode is also known as incident, help to frame the plot. The word derives from the Greek term “epeisodion” meaning the material contained between two songs in a Greek Tragedy. In contains individual Sciences but lengthy, action, sequences, and incidents. The episode has a tight narrative. It is not an integral part of the novel, so the narrative becomes an episode.
Joseph Andrew by Henry Fielding is a good example.
#10 Historical novel
A novel that re-creates a period or event in history and often uses historical figures as some of its characters. The historical novel is written keeping in mind the history of one or two generations or even several generations. It deals with the customs and mentality of that period. It was Sir Walter Scott who used his pen in the nineteenth century to the historical novel.
Dicken’s A tale of two cities in Paris and London during the French Revolution. Story’s war and peace are the best examples.
#11 The Regional Novel
The Regional Novel is a genre of fiction that is set in a particular region. It describes life, Social Relations, customs, language, dialect, or other aspects of the culture of that area and its people. "The Malgudi Days" is an example of a regional novel, by R.K Narayan.
The main English Regional novels were written between 1840 to 1940.
#12 The Picaresque Novel
The Picaresque Novel is a genre of prose fiction that depicts the adventures of a roguish hero of the low social class who lives by their wits in a corrupt society. It is derived from the word 'Picaro' which means 'rogue' in Spanish. The picaresque novel emerged in the sixteenth-century in Spain. It adopts a realistic style with elements of comedy and satire.
Thomas Nashe's 'The Unfortunate Traveller' Mark Twain's The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is the best example of the Picaresque Novel.
#13 Gothic Novel
Gothic Novel Presents a story of terror usually set in a gloomy old castle. The term Gothic is applied to medieval architecture. So it is associated with the 18th-century superstitions. A central character is a courageous person facing forces of evil and supernatural power.
Originally the term 'Gothic' is derived from the 'Gothic' a 'tribe. The goths were unanalyzed or ignorant people. 'Gothic Novel' is the adoption of the same unanalyzed old fashion style.
#14 Bildungsroman
It is a literary genre that focuses on the psychological and moral growth of the protagonist from youth to adulthood in which character change is extremely important.
Bildungsroman is the combination of two German words: Bildung meaning "education and Roman meaning novel."
Harry Potter Boxset by J.K Rowling, 'Candide' by Voltaire "Great Expectations" by Charles Dickens are the best example.
#15 The Epistolary Novel
An epistolary novel is a novel written as a series of documents. The usual form is letters, although diary entries, newspaper clippings, etc. Recently, electronic "documents" such as recording and radio, blogs, and remains have also come into use. The word epistolary is derived from Latin form the Greek word epistle meaning a letter. It gained popularity in the 17th, 18th century.
'The Color Purple' by Alice Walker and "Lady Susan" by Jane Austen is an example.
#16 Adventure Novel
The adventure novel is a genre of fiction in which an adventure, an exciting undertaking involving risk and physical danger, forms the main storyline. It centers on a Hero in a dangerous or risky situation. Science fiction novels always contain elements of adventure.
Gulliver's Travels by Jonathan Swift is a best example of Adventure Novel.
#17 The Psychological Novel
A psychological Novel is a Modern form of Novel in which the Novelist goes deep into the character. It focuses on the complex mental and emotional lives of the characters and explores the various levels of mental activity.
"Portrait of a Lady" is an example of this type of novel. Virginia Woolf's "Mrs. Dolloway" and "To the Lighthouse" are also the best examples.
#18 Science Fiction
Science Fiction is a genre of fiction in which the stories often tell about science and technology of the future. Science fiction texts include a human element, explaining what effect new discoveries, happenings, and scientific developments will have on us in the future. Science fiction has been called "Literature of ideas" and it avoids supernatural elements.
H.G well's Novel "The Invisible Man", The food of the Gods deals with scientific Subjects.
#19 Dialogue
Dialogue is a conversation between two or more characters in a literary work. In the term dialogue, Di means "two" and Log means "speak". In this sense, two people are speaking to create. Dialogue can be written or spoken. The word dialogue comes from the Greek word "Dialogos" which means "Conversations". It is used in dramas, novels, and short stories. It can be used for philosophical or didactic purposes. The ancient Greek Philosopher So creates was a chief proponent of dialogue.
#20 Metafiction
Metafiction is a form of literature that emphasizes its own constructiveness in a way that continually remains the reader to be aware that he or she is reading or viewing fictional work. Metafiction is self-conscious about language, literary form, storytelling and directly or indirectly draw attention to their status.
exp- House of Leaves, The things they carried, cloud atlas.
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