Wikileaks, Facebook and the End of Discretion — Mukul Kesavan | Theme | English Notes
Wikileaks, Facebook and the End of Discretion
“Wikileaks, Facebook, and the end of Discretion is an essay by 'Mukul Kesavan'. He is a historian, Novelist, and Political and Social essayist. He has won international acclaim for his style of writing. His essays are always based on social issues, films, Cricket, Political commentary, and technology.
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Wikileaks, Facebook and the End of Discretion — Mukul Kesavan | Theme | English Notes |
This essay is about the gradual shift in the public's perceptions of privacy and examines the argument around WikiLeaks and upholds the services it has done for citizens.
Wikileaks and Facebook are two web-based organizations. These were made by Julain Assange and Mark Zuckerberg in 2004 and 2006 respectively. Facebook persuades wise people to make their personal lives public. Wikileaks is a non-profit organization that publishes secret information about oppressive regimes. The sources of information are kept secret. Wikileaks has played a wonderful role in influencing public perception of governments. There is no doubt that good Journalism can shape society in constructive ways.
Wikileaks is important in three ways first, WikiLeaks is important as journalism because it works as a clearinghouse for news. Second, it deserves our attention because it is trying to be a leader of the digital revolution against criminal states and unaccountable officers. Finally, WikiLeaks has been proved beneficial for individuals, corporations, and states to get secretive news. Wikileaks should be open and transparent.
Wikileaks has thrown a light on many things all over the world. It includes corruption in Kenya, an oil scandal in Peru, membership lists of the British National party, illegal Swiss bank transactions, a nuclear accident in Iran, and policies of the US army in the Afghan war. It reflected the fact of the illegal kidnapping of German citizens by the US and they're threatens to German officials from stopping them from investigating.
Wikileaks has been criticized on two main bases. First, it is considered that WikiLeaks has only confirmed earlier doubts. This is clearly wrong. In actuality, documentation is the first principle of good journalism. The second criticism is about the procedure. Wikileaks is blamed to publish dumping information without processing it editorially. The US government has pulled Amazon, Paypal, Master Card, and visa into withdrawing services from WikiLeaks due to its response. The second-largest corporation in the world, apple pulled a WikiLeaks app from its app store a few days after it went on sale. This point shows that the portals of the net are guarded by huge private companies and powerful states like The US and China are easily persuaded by these companies.
Wikileaks is like an alarm clock in our ears. It tells us to become aware of scandals. Wikileaks is responsible and investigative journalism. Julian Assange wants to use these leaks to promote systematic changes for the wrong policies of powerful countries and unaccountable Bureaueraies. Wikileaks forces them to become more cloudy and this degrades their ability to function. If Julian Assange is right, secretive states might become more open and less powerful and if Zukerberg has taken the right steps, we might make our private lives public on Facebook. Wikileaks and Facebook want that fundamental politics should be open and transparent.
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